Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A Few of My Favorite Things: Packing Edition

Julie Andrews may prefer raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, but when it comes to cruise essentials, those two don't typically make it into my suitcase. Packing for any vacation can be difficult, but being in the middle of the ocean and far away from any store makes the stakes higher. So- what should you bring? Here's a list of the top five things that are the first things tucked away into my suitcase!

Number five: MAGNETS! If you didn't know, the walls in your cruise stateroom are magnetic! Because the ship is constructed with metal, a strong magnet will stay on the wall, providing you with an innovative way to create space in such a small space. It's perfect for posting your Cruise Compass/ Cruise Planner. It may be called something different depending on the cruise line, but each day's Royal Caribbean's Cruise Compass is something I look forward to! This daily planner is your key to knowing what is going on around the ship. From activities on the pool deck, to the hours of each dining location, and even information on ports: you'll want to keep this handy to map out your day. Use one of your magnets to display the Compass to make sure you won't miss the bellyflop competition or one of the many games of bingo!

On my last cruise in February, I found a six pack of metal magnets with hooks from Amazon (shipped in two days, thanks to Prime). Not only did we use the magnets to hang our Cruise Compass, but we also took advantage of the hooks for additional storage and hanging wet bathing suits out to dry!

Number four: a Waterless Razor by Venus (Gillette). Don't you hate it when you miss one spot on your legs and you realize as you're putting on your cute new bathing suit?! This razor is perfect for cleaning up those accidental missed swipes. Simply squeeze the bottom filled with gel, smear it on to avoid razor burn, and use the blades to chop those unwanted hairs! I would not recommend this for large areas, but in a pickle, it does the job.
(P.S.- I wouldn't recommend taking this off the boat and into ports with you. Some ports require you to go through a metal detector to get back onto the ship, and to avoid getting your razor getting confiscated, this is something to leave on the bathroom counter or in your toiletry bag until you need it)

Number three: clips for pool towels! Being on a cruise ship surrounded by beautiful blue water is such a beautiful sight, but the wind is very strong. If you want to maximize your relaxation, simply find large clips to hold your towel in place no matter which way the gusts are blowing.

There are tons of fun designs, like cute flamingos, pineapples, or summer cocktails, but I chose to go the simplistic route. I purchased mine on Amazon, where I found a plethora of other shapes, but these can also be found at some Dollar Stores, helping to save bucks to spend on future cruise vacations! ;)

Number two: CASH! Yes, one of the biggest perks of a cruise is being able to stow away your wallet and enjoy the amenities without swiping your card every three seconds. However, in port, cash is your key to successful shopping. Make sure you've got all types of bills, with an abundance of smaller ones. In most Caribbean ports, vendors are willing to bargain with you to get the best deal. If you only want to spend ten dollars on a wooden carved statue of a parrot, take a ten out and separate it from the rest of your bills. Talk the vendor down to your price. If they won't accept it, just walk away, because they will either change their mind and take your offer, or you will find the same statue in the next store with a better deal.
The reason why you want to isolate your spending limit is to avoid them seeing that you have a stack of cash in your back pocket. Being in a foreign country, you should always be aware and alert of suspicious behavior, and you never want to let anyone see just how much you have. Vendors are also more likely to take a deal when they can see the money in your hand, and the exchange of dollars and product becomes faster. The shopping plazas can be chaotic and busy, so the quicker you purchase your goodies, the quicker you can enjoy what the destination has to offer!

If you are going on an excursion, it is polite to tip your tour guide/driver after they have shown you their knowledge of the area and let you enjoy the adventure. Having smaller bills ready will put a smile on your tour guides face and will let you get back to the ship quickly to enjoy the remainder of your day!

Number one: Hawaiian Tropic After Sun Silk Hydration Lotion!

It's always important to wear sunscreen, but it is even more important to hydrate your skin after being under the sun's UV rays. This is the BEST after sun lotion I have ever used, and am so thankful my friend introduced me to this product on our last cruise.
I went on a cruise last October and got completely fried. My sunburn was so bad that my skin blistered, my body was tender to the touch, and the peeling after was pretty gross. Ashley let me use this lotion and it felt cool against the hot burn, and really hydrated my skin as it was attempting to shed the horrid burn I had gotten.
On my cruise in February, I put this lotion on every day. After a shower, I rubbed the lotion in just about everywhere and experienced no peeling, just a beautiful, hydrated tan once I returned home. The smell of the lotion is beautiful, and it doesn't leave a sticky residue on your body like aloe vera does. Do yourself a favor and buy a big bottle of this before your next sunny adventure: your skin will thank you later!

What are some of your cruise essentials? Comment below, and happy packing!

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